Sunday, 27 September 2009

How to... Self Evaluation

First group work project of the year

Module Code OUGD101

Module Title Design Principles

What role(s) did you take on in the group?
We all did some decision making, brainstorming

Area research- taxi firms

Production of some of the cards

Deconstructing and development of packaging

How well do you tihnk you performed in the role(s)?
I think I performed reasonably well, although found it difficult working in a group like this at times. We all listened to everyone's ideas and took them onboard. I voiced my own opinons and ideas and completed the research i was assigned.

How well do you think you worked as a group?
We all worked quite well, we allocated specific research to each member so we wernt gathering unnecessary information and collected efficient amounts of relevant research I also think we helped each other out well with different skills and knowledge. There were times however that we did struggle to keep everyone happy and agree.

What were the positives of working in a group?
We had a number of idea which we could develop, different skills and different knowledge which could help each other out and in turn help produce a better end product. We all agreed on a final idea, here were no major arguments and there was good communication.

What were the negatives of working in a group?
At times there was too many voices it was hard to hear everyones ideas, aslo our organisation was not the best especially during the production stage.

What will you do differently next time?
Organise the group better. Make clear decisions on what people are doing in the production stage so no-one is left sitting around with nothing to do.

Where could you have imporved your resolution?
We could have put it into action, gave it to people outside the classroom, photograph it in use maybe. We could have gathered more research on what to include in the bag. Also our presentation to the group could have been improved, including all members of the group and spending more time describing the thought processes behind it.

What are the strenghts of your presentation?
Our final product was quite strong we feel, we also included some light humour and an interactive powerpoint to show our bag in use.

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