Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Collection 100 Research Proposal

My subject matter is:
Christmas, specifically Christmas in the U.K.

Possible categories will include:
Traditions, Religions, commercialism, Santa, Christmas shopping and gifts.

Research process will include:
gathering objects over the christmas holiday, photographing family and friends, christmas day, christmas events, opinions on christmas and people's family traditions.

How will you research?
Primary methods:
Photographs, collections, questionnaires and interviews, observations and journals.

Secondary methods:
Books, (christmas books), the internet.

Who/where/will you research?
Primary sources:
Family, friends, shop workers, in the home, shopping centres, Leeds, Newcastle.

Secondary sources:

Research process will include:
Primary material:
Christmas cards, wrapping paper, traditions, photographs, decorations, food.

Secondary material:
Christmas traditions, Santa, Religions.

Monday, 14 December 2009

What If... Self Evaluation

The problem we investigated was that there was too much vandalism in and around Leeds, looking specifically at graffiti and it's affects on community.
Looking on the internet for information about graffiti, whether it is seen as art or vandalism, prevention of graffiti and most affected areas within Leeds. Also gathered photographic evidence of offensive and obscene graffiti which looked unpleasant and unattractive.
In terms of primary research I took photographs to document areas in Little London where graffiti was a problem, also produced a questionnaire to ask residents and people in and around Little London and Leeds to find out their opinions and views on graffiti and whether or not they think something could be done.Secondary research included internet research into Little London and graffiti in general.
It was useful taking photographs because we were able to gain first hand evidence that there is a problem occuring and that something could be done to try and stop it. Also questionnaires were of use as we gained personal opinions on people's views of graffiti and if they think there is a problem.
These helped because with the photographs were able to identify bad, offensive graffiti and also creative, more attractive in order to show people what they could achieve with the workshop we planned to put on.
Some problems included people being uncooperative when approaching people to fill in the questionnaire, also as a group it was very difficult to work together and make joint decisions. There wasn't really any structure to our group. Another problem was trying to put all of our ideas together and time management was difficult also. We tried to overcome this by splitting up to do some research and then gathering our finddings but it was hard to overcome.
We could have possible looked into other ways to prevent graffiti and vandalism, other events that have worked. Also I think if we looked into promoting the event better we could have came up with a better result.
Five things that I have learned about the deisgn process is that it is it is not always easy working in a group, the importance of primary research, different research methods, when working in a group it is best to have a leader to deligate the group and also how much research can inform the decision you later make.
Five things that I would do next time would be to allocate a team leader to take charge, make sure everyone knows what they are doing and what their role is, I would work harder at working as a group and spend more time experimenting with ideas.