Monday, 23 November 2009

End of Module Self-Evaluation

1. What practical skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have learned basic new skills on illustrator which I have never used before I started this course, also constructing and designing nets for the mail shot and the how to briefs.

2. What approaches to/methods of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I've learned to brainstorm initial starting points to help me start off a project. Also if I'm not happy with an idea I have learned to go back and resolve it looking at what is wrong and what can be improved.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how/ will you capitalise on these?
In some briefs I think I have explored different variations of my ideas like alphabets soup. also if I have been given feedback I have gone back into my work and re-worked it in order to improve

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
One weakness I can identify is my knowledge and skills on photoshop and illustrator which I think holds me back from producing work to a certain level. In order to improve this I need to practise at any opportunity. Another weakness of mine is primary research in my projects, I ned to look more at books and other sources to help with my own ideas.

5. Identify five things you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
  • Spend more time on my blog, especially design context, looking at other peoples work to inform my own.
  • Time managements, organise time for research and development and printing etc.
  • Ask for help if struggling with work or ideas.
  • Annotate all work as I go.
6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 4
Commitment: 3
Quantity of work produced: 3
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group: 3

Sunday, 15 November 2009

No News Is Good News Crit Feedback

Issues Raised:
  • What stock to use to make a jigsaw but to also be suitable for the envelope.
  • Where will the stamp and the address go, will they be printed or stuck on.
  • What visuals are going to be put onto the jigsaw, do they have to go together to make an image.
  • Message has to be clear that it is about child abuse.
  • What colours would best represent this theme.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

No News Is Good News message & delivery

Concept Building

Child abuse, "one quater or children experience one or more forms of physical violence during childhood."

To inform people of how common child abuse actually is so people are aware of the facts.

Possibly posters, something which includes the facts, shocks people and makes them think, something emotional and hard hitting.

Schools- teachers and student, school corridors and classrooms.

Inform- to make people aware of the fraction of children that suffer from abuse, so children who are abused know they're not alone and so teachers and other professionals can look out for children.

Posters, informations/facts card.

Black and white, possibly red. Dark and serious mood to be conveyed.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

No News Is Good News Posters

Peer evaluation 1

What statement/fact/question is being communicated to you?
Child abuse, how common it is (1 in 4)

Is this being communicated in a clear and focused way? Yes
What could be developed further?
Perhaps try and make more of a link between the photographic posters and the text poster

Have the posters been kept "simple and to the point?" Yes
Is a statement, fact or question being posed?
Fact, statistic, 1 in 4 children experienced 1 or more forms of physical violence during childhood.

Has the restriction of two colours been met? No
Are the two colours plus stock appropriate to the solution? No
Why are the two colours plus stock/appropriate/inappropriate?
I love he overall look, but this isn't really 2 colours plus stock as there are lots of tonal variations.
While I think that the black and white photos are fitting and convey the right message, it does not fit the brief requirements.
The use of dark colours shows the seriousness and darkness of the problem.

Do the posters work as a set or series? Yes
Why do they work/don't work as a part of a set or series and could this be developed further?
The two cake pictures work particularly well together. There isn't really much of a link to the text poster though apart from that it says the same thing as the text and image poster- perhaps the same typeface should be used on both.

Is it clearly evident which poster is type, image and type and image?

Are the posters "memorable, immediate high impact and clear?"
  • Memorable, effective, high impact (particularly when seen next to each other)
  • Like how the text takes up one quarter of the poster on the text poster, the typeface is fitting for child abuse/violence.
  • Like the child-like typeface used on the cake (but maybe make these last two points work together as they are very different)
  • Destruction of cake makes you see some of what a child may be put through, it plays on your emotions.
What statement/fact/question is being communicated to you?
Information about child abuse (one quarter of children experience one or more forms of physical violence during childhood)

Is this being communicated in a clear and focused way? Yes
What could be developed further?
  • The type poster can be developed further to fit better with the other two posters a s a set.
  • The composition of the two cakes can maybe be more similar.
Have the posters been kept "simple and to the point?" Yes
Is a statement, fact or question being posed?
Yes, the poster contains one fact which has a high impact on the readers.

Has the restriction of two colours been met? No
Are the two colours plus stock appropriate to the solution? No
Why are the two colours plus stock/appropriate/inappropriate?
I think this works really well as it is even though the photograph contains different greys.
The posters would not be as effective if it was in block colours. I like that bright colours associate people to children and that has been eliminated from the posters/pictures of the cake.

Do the posters work as a set or series? Yes
Why do they work/don't work as a part of a set or series and could this be developed further?
They work up to a certain point, the two posters of the cake work really well together. For the type one, although the writing states the fact, I don't think the style fits that well with the others.

Is it clearly evident which poster is type, image and type and image?

Are the posters "memorable, immediate high impact and clear?"
I think they definitely draw your attention straight away, especially the image posters and you quickly want to read what it is about. The message is clearly communicated and straight to the point. They create a feeling of sympathy for the viewers.

Do you feel the brief has been fulfilled to it's full potential? Yes
I think the letter on the cake can be made clearer by increasing the contrast. Also the relationship between the type poster and the other two could be reconsidered.